I hear time travel is impossible. Nothing could be further from the truth! One descent with this rope is enough to go back an hour! Unforgettable experience guaranteed.
Zip-line – a transport method on a line stretched between two points – was born in China, where it was originally used to supply food in places difficult to reach, most often on mountain slopes or to replace a bridge over a river.
Nowadays, it is known as a recreational downhill ride on lines that provide an unforgettable experience. One of the most exceptional “descents” is located on the border of two countries of the Iberian Peninsula – Spain and Portugal. More than 720 meters long steel rope stretches from the castle hill Sanlucar de Guadiana in Spanish Andalusia and reaches as far as … Portugal, or more precisely Alcoutim, in the Algarve. On a rope hanging almost 100 meters above the Guadiana River, the speed can be as high as 80 km/h. According to calculations, the average angle of inclination is 12.5%, which makes the whole downhill run takes about a minute. This is the only zip-line in the world that allows you to cross the border between two countries. It allows you to travel in time! Upon arrival in Alcoutim you have to turn back the watch by one hour, due to the time difference between the countries. After the journey, the daredevils are transported across the river back to Spain, where they can buy a certificate or photos commemorating the descent.

Categories: Travel