Snoring has various causes and can cause serious health complications. Fortunately, it can be cured. Below are the facts and myths about the problem of snoring.
Myth: Snoring is not harmful. It can at most disturb people sleeping nearby.
Fact: Snoring is often accompanied by sleep apnea, which is a dangerous phenomenon that can even lead to infarction or cerebral hypoxia. Moreover, snoring is caused by the injection of air under increased pressure into the narrowed airways, which is much more exploitative for the body than normal breathing. Inevitable sleep apnea during snoring, followed by strong breathing to compensate for oxygen levels, is a serious burden on the respiratory system and causes unconscious stress. Sleep becomes torture for the tired organism, because it mobilizes it to continuous, intensified work, not allowing it to properly regenerate. The problem of snoring is therefore directly related to chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation, multiple awakenings and sleepiness during the day. This discomfort is accompanied by the inability to concentrate, irritability, depressive and anxiety states, reduced potency. One of the most dangerous health complications are heart diseases and brain circulation disorders, which can lead to stroke. That is why the treatment of snoring is so important.
Myth: Snoring is a sign of deep, regenerative sleep that has a beneficial effect on health.
Fact: Snoring sounds are caused by tissue vibrations in the throat, soft palate, uvula or tonsils. The vibration is caused by the airflow through the narrowed airways. Stenosis may be caused by a crooked nasal septum, polyps, nose tumors or large palatal tonsils. During sleep, tissues become flaccid and clog the nose or throat when lying down. If the airways are completely blocked, a respiratory interruption can be heard. This is a dangerous sleep apnea.
Myth: All elderly people suffer from this ailment.
Fact: Only people who previously had narrowed their airways snore. As the years go by, the tissues become flaccid and the narrowing, which in the younger years was asymptomatic, becomes noticeable in old age and causes snoring.

Categories: Lifestyle