Already one in ten American entrepreneurs offers a form of remote working. Remote working, usually from home, brings savings for both the company and the employee.
In the case of employing a teleworker, the employer is not obliged to provide full infrastructure. Even if it provides remote employees with tools such as a telephone or a computer, it still saves money, e.g. on renting less office space, electricity, water and even trivial products such as tea or coffee in the office. According to Grantham’s research, these savings can be reduced by as much as 35%.
The remote worker is mainly supplied by himself. Nevertheless, he also saves money, especially on commuting. If he spends an hour commuting to and from work during the day, he saves 225 hours a year working from home. So he gains more time for himself, his passions, his development and his family.
A teleworker who does not leave home to work also saves money on clothes and cosmetics. We can spend the whole day in pajamas and without make-up, because nobody can see us. We hide our work clothes in the closet and we walk in comfortable suits ourselves, having for nothing the principles of good taste and dress code.
Also, the fact that the hours are often flexible when working remotely makes it easier for the remote worker to settle so-called things in the city. A short trip to grocery shopping, a walk with a dog or picking up a child from kindergarten is no longer a problem. This kind of work seems to be created for parents. Dinners with the family, instead of lunches with colleagues, are of great value, not only for traditionalists.
Working from home, however, is not an oasis of freedom, although no boss is breathing down our throats, but self-control and good organisation of time are useful. Just as at work we are separated from our jobs by small fires and colleagues, so at home television, telephone or dog can become distractions.
Remote workers, according to an experiment conducted by researchers at Stanford University, among others, have taken a few days off. The reason may be that they were less likely to come into contact with germs because they did not leave home to work.
Remote workers become more independent and more effective. According to the Grantham study, the effectiveness of remote workers has increased by 13%. Also, staff turnover decreased by 1/5.
However, remote working is not designed for everyone. Some people feel better when they are wearing a whip or prefer to work with colleagues. Therefore, it is important to adapt the form of work to our personality. And a well-chosen job always gives satisfaction, check yourself on .

Categories: Business